The question I get asked the most, is what does a copywriter do and what will they do for my business? Well the results are in! Here are my 5 facts on why you need to employ a copywriter today.
Copywriters understand emotion -All buying decisions, however big or small are based on emotion; will this make me happy? will this save me time? will this make me look good? will this make me feel better? As a copywriter we understand emotion, we know exactly what the audience wants and we tap into those desires in the content we write. We understand what will make the reader become the consumer and we find the right words to do that.
We have polished writing skills - There are lots of good writers in the world, but a copywriter needs to be able to use words to build a brand reputation, sell a product, create trust, authority and more, often in not much space. Think of an advert in a magazine, or on a billboard, one that made you stop, stare and buy the product, how many words did it use? Two? Three? Sometimes not many: “Just do it” or “Have a break - Have a Kit-Kat”. There are hundreds, but the common denominator is a copywriter who got across exactly what the product was, and what it would mean for the consumer.
A copywriter understands the power of the headline - David Ogilvy once said, “Five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy.” Without a carefully constructed headline - who is going to read your advert; your web page; your brochure? We see 1000s of marketing images everyday so a copywriter writes the headline which draws you in and keeps you reading.
We sell the benefit not the features - Think of how many washing powders there are, or cars, or estate agents, the list goes on. Why would someone buy your product? With copywriting, we get past the ‘so what’ stage; ‘so what it does this;’ ‘so what it does that’. A skilled copywriter goes beyond the features and tells the consumer what the product will do for them!
We believe in structure - Good copy comes down to the way it is structured, and for a copywriter it is AIDA - Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action. To sell anything or to get someone interested in a product/service you have to tell a story, it has to be one that grabs them, interests them, and ultimately persuades them to act. We don’t waste one space on that paper!
So when someone asks me what is a copywriter? My answer is, someone who understands the power of words, and in today’s fast-paced, digitally obsessed world where you have only moments to grab the reader/customer’s attention, that understanding is gold.
The words you choose, the power behind them, can, and will have an impact on your business, can you afford to ignore that?