Edinburgh Copywriter - Claire Maclachlan

Blogs and Articles

Blogs, am sure you have heard of them, even thought about writing them but lets face it with so much other stuff to do for your business it always ends up on the back burner!

But they really are important and can be a very quick win! Prospective customers need to know that you are the ‘go to’ in your industry, that you know your stuff and are confident in sharing that expertise and knowledge.

Uploading regular blogs to your site has a huge list of benefits for your business:

  • Show prospective customers you’ve got a genuine interest in and knowledge of your industry

  • Position you as an authority with expertise in your field and foster trust with readers

  • Give you regular, shareable content for social media and newsletters

  • Increase traffic to your site and ultimately sales

  • Boost your site’s SEO naturally (rankings on Google)

Sounds good? How can I help?

I have the time that you don’t, to sit down and properly research and write interesting and entertaining blogs and articles that customers in your industry want to read about and share!